Tuesday, May 19, 2020

American Revolution - Summary Essay example - 939 Words

1760- King George takes the throne of England. 1763- French and Indian War Ends. Canada and land east of the Mississippi River is added to Great Britiains Empire. 1765- The Stamp Act is passed. The Stamp Act was passed as a means to pay for British troops on the American frontier. The colonists were the ones paying for the troops and they violently protested the Act. 1766- The Stamp Act is repealed. 1768- British troops arrive in Boston to enforce laws. 1770- Four workers are shot by British troops stationed in Boston. The American Patriots labeled the killings The Boston Massacre. 1773- Massachusetts patriots dressed as Mohawk Indians protest the British Tea Act by dumping crates of tea into the Boston Harbor.†¦show more content†¦On October 19, 1781, the British General, Lord Cornwallis is forced to retreat to a the Virginian peninsula Yorktown. The French Navy surrounds the peninsula with ships, while the Americans soldiers chase the British by foot. Cornwallis is forced to surrender and the Americans win the Revolutionary War. 1781- A peace treaty is signed between Great Britain and the United States, and Britain surrenders the Colonies to the Americans. Causes of the American Revolution The Boston Massacre was an encounter on March 5, 1770, that was five years before the American Revolution between British troops and a group of citizens of Boston that were then in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. British troops were quartered in the city to discourage demonstrations. As a result of constant harassment by the citizens, a squad of British soldiers that had been struck by snow and ice balls with rocks inside thrown during a demonstration, fired into the crowd, killing five men. The eight soldiers and their commanding officer were tried for murder and were defended by John Adams, later president of the United States, and Josiah Quincy. Two of the soldiers were declared guilty of manslaughter, and the others, including the officer, were acquitted. The incident was skillfully exploited by the American patriot Samuel Adams to create anti-British sentiment in the colonies. After the incident the patriots of Massachusetts Bay were more and moreShow MoreRelatedEssay Chapter 5 t he American Revolution Summary1726 Words   |  7 PagesCHAPTER 5 The American Revolution: From Elite Protest To Popular Revolt, 1763-1783 SUMMARY This chapter covers the years that saw the colonies emerge as an independent nation. The colonial rebellion began as a protest on the part of the gentry, but military victory required that thousands of ordinary men and women dedicate themselves to the ideals of republicanism. I. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Baseball Player Babe Ruths Contribution to American History

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was founded in 1957 and headed by Martin Luther King until his assassination in 1968. It grew out of the Montgomery Improvement Association, which has organized a successful boycott of the segregated city bus system in 1955-56, which resulted in the citys segregation laws being declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Rosa Parks, the NAACP secretary in Montgomery, had become the test case to challenge segregated buses after she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man. In 1963, SCLC organized the protests against segregation in Birmingham, Alabama and the protests for voting rights in Selma, Alabama in 1965, which gained international publicity for the civil rights movement and led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. These were the most important pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history and two key parts of Lyndon Johnsons Great Society agenda. King l ater broke with Johnson openly over the Vietnam War, which other mainstream civil rights leaders were very reluctant to do, and was assassinated in Memphis in 1968, where he had gone to support striking sanitation workers. In his 1963 Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King understood very well that the white clergy of the city did not like him and had no real sympathy for him or the cause of black civil rights. They did not want him in the city and hoped only that he wouldShow MoreRelatedSome Facts about People I Do Not Know Essay1234 Words   |  5 Pagesin jail multiple times, but in the end he had succeeded by not giving up and with determination. Babe Ruth had grown up on the streets, and had nothing going for him for a majority of his life, and he still became one of the best baseball players to date. Although all of these famous people to get over huge obstacles in their life, all of these people in this article, Robert Frost, Pancho Villa, and Babe Ruth, had to overcome several obstacles in life. Robert Frost not only had to get over severalRead MoreBiography of George Herman Essay examples966 Words   |  4 PagesBabe Ruth â€Å"Person of the Year† The Sultan of Swat, Jack Dunns baby, The Caliph of Clout, The Big Bam, The Great Bambino are among a few of the nicknames given to George Herman Babe Ruth Jr. who should be next on the list on Time Person of the Year†. Basketball has Michael Jordan, Golf has Tiger Woods, Boxing has Muhammed Ali, and when one thinks of Baseball, the first name that pops up is Babe Ruth. His accomplishments in the sport of baseball revamped how the world viewed baseball. Babe’sRead More Hank Aaron Biography Essay718 Words   |  3 PagesBirth: February 5, 1934(the day before Babe Ruth turned 39). Birthplace: Mobile, Alabama, United States Date. Circumstances of Death: Living Early Life: The second of nine of Herbert and Estella Aaron’s , he weighed just 2 and 1/4 pounds at birth. Hank was a quiet boy who just had one or two friends in the neighborhood. When Hank was eight he saw his first major league game. After the game he knew he wanted to be a major league baseball player which is a good dream because it makesRead MorePresident Roosevelt and The Selective Training and Service Act2983 Words   |  12 Pagesgame of baseball was at an all-time high in the eyes of the American public. During the 1941 major league baseball season the fans of game knew they witnessed two things that would go on to be very special. First Joe DiMaggio reached a feat that very well may never happen again, hitting safely in 56 consecutive games. Then Ted Williams went on to finish the season with a batting average of .406, marking the last time a player has finished the season with a batting average over .400. As baseball blossomed

Management Communication for Employee -MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Management Communication for Employee. Answer: As initially discussed, the role of strategic management in the success of businesses is crucial.to gain a better insight of this concept, I have read articles about the subject matter. These articles have clearly described the role played by strategic management in business success. strategic communication has to be incorporated as an integral part of an organizations organogram and plays a key role in achieving business objectives by ensuring the stake holders are put into play (Schultz et al., 1994). this memo highlights the most important themes that I recognized from the article I read.it gives a description of how the different departments and stakeholders in business can utilize strategic communication jointly to achieve the business goal and success. This memo will also help in improvement of the understanding of strategic communication in business. The Importance of Strategic Communication Various studies and research has been done to try and understand the key significance of strategic management in the improvement of business performance. The author, Islas (2005) argues that the most important key areas in which strategic communication is used are those of the organizations culture and identity. The comparison of company perforce in the world clearly indicated the role of strategic communication as a factor for business success. Organizations that had strategic communications well designed and working as part companies blueprint had outstanding performance. Employee had morale and working conditions improved (Argenti, P. A.et al),. a well-designed strategic communication plan gave a sense of togetherness, enabled team work and focus towards achieving business success. This happens by having the organizations objectives and core values as the uniting factor in the drive toward s achieving business success. The key elements in strategic management involves an in-depth understanding of the objectives of the organization and having these as the guiding principles in communications. With this understanding, strategic communication becomes integral, simple, and clear message based on business objectives. With this achievement of business goals is made possible. Since the conception of strategic communications, there has been an improved participation of different organizational departments in addressing the subject matter. Before this understanding, only the communication departments played an active role in the implementation of the strategic communication plan (Noe, R. A., et al). Departments such as marketing, human resource management and information technology departments have now jointly worked to achieve organizational goals with the help of strategic communication. The provided research aimed at developing and distributing knowledge that is backed up with evidence to achieve the core value. Better Strategic Communication Leads to Business Success With the business goals stated and understood by all stakeholders, there has been notable increase in profitability and improved customer satisfaction. A clear strategic communication will help in steering forward development agenda. According to Argenti et al. (2005), implementation of the strategic communication plan plays a key role in enabling the organization to be on the spotlight as well as improve its strategic plan. The latter puts the organization in s better position to outcompete other competitors. This usually occurs by engaging the different stakeholders in business organization. Stakeholders play a key role in the interaction with the organization (Argenti et al., 2005). Interaction has been improved with the development of channels such as media that are available at any time need arises. This plays a key role in timely implementation of any concerns by the stakeholders. communication helps in setting market based goals according to the participation of the stakeholde rs. Open channels for stakeholders participation creates a platform for ideas and innovation, one of the key factors for business success.it helps the organization make improvements by making comparisons with the competitors in the same field. The final outcome of this is improved products and service delivery to the clients Employees play a key role in the marketing of the organization to the public.an employee who gets a clear picture of the current position of the organization and any feature improvements in the making will act as ambassadors for the organization (Hennig-Thurau, T.et al). A strong positive relationship with the employers creates a highly valued source of information about the image of the company to the public. The outcome of this interaction is increase in business success. Team work is a product of interaction of different stakeholders who share a common goal of interest. Strategic communications helps each individual recognize the role of each employee in contributing to the achievements of goals communication gives a better understanding of organizational structure thereby appreciating the key roles played by each individual. Conclusions With a clear understanding of the role played by strategic communication in the success of business organizations, there a has been an improvement in the participation of the various stakeholders to achieve target goals according to the blue print of the organization (O'Hair, D et al). An increase in the recent performance of organizations is dependent on these factors. improvement in technology has also played a key role in enhancing the knowledge base and interaction between the various stakeholders. The time required for appropriate feedback in response to the communication strategy has also been improved. The most ideal way to build the strategic communication plan in an organization is by first engaging the internal stake holders interact with the external stake holders in the organization. This plan must however be planned in the long term for the best results. In summary Communication strategy should not be confused with strategic communication. Strategic communication should be done in a way that the stake holders feel engaged and free from any intrapersonal concern in the provision of information (Ray, S. J et al.). A long term plan on this will also help in making it a part of business success strategy thereby helping in the achievement of common goals. Stakeholders should also feel at ease to communicate their wishes in order to achieve success. With reference to the synopsis of communication strategy, it plays a key role in successful business models and should developed and implemented jointly. Recommendation With the understanding of the role of strategic communications from the articles that I have read and discussed above, I would recommend the incorporation of strategic communication as one pillar of organizations in order to achieve success and target goals in the organization. References Ray, S. J. (1999).Strategic communication in crisis management: Lessons from the airline industry. Greenwood Publishing Group. Argenti, P. A., Howell, R. A., Beck, K. A. (2005). The strategic communication imperative.MIT Sloan management review,46(3), 83. O'Hair, D., Friedrich, G. W., Dixon, L. D. (2007).Strategic communication in business and the professions. Allyn Bacon. Argenti, P. A. (2015).Corporate communication. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Pedersen, P. M. (2013). Reflections on communication and sport: On strategic communication and management.Communication Sport,1(1-2), 55-67. Hennig-Thurau, T. (2000). Relationship quality and customer retention through strategic communication of customer skills.Journal of Marketing Management,16(1-3), 55-79. Aaltonen, P., Ikvalko, H. (2002). Implementing strategies successfully.Integrated Manufacturing Systems,13(6), 415-418. Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., Wright, P. M. (2006). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage.